I Set My Friends On Fire I Set My Friends On Fire - Beauty is in The Eye of The Beerholder

Don't piss down my back then tell me it is raining

You just had to walk in before I kicked the table beneath my feet
If I can't have any friends I thought why not hang from the ceiling

Just because I ordered, doesn't mean I can't look at the menu
Not that there's any other fish in this sea I'd rather have on my plater than you
Just because I fucking ordered, doesn't mean I can't look at the menu
Not that there's any other fish in this sea

Don't drink and park, accidents in cars cause population
Fuck more the merrier, there's only one person I need to feel this sinstation

If you need directions you can take the road that's down my sleeve
This time I'm taking you with me, but the cuffs are you; so good luck trying to leave!

I hope one day I can cross your ocean
Without feeling the puncture of your teeth
Believe me I'd rather drown myself
Then knowing you have the power to pull me beneath

There's so much oxygen that I forgot to breathe
You're only making things worse, you're only making things worse
(I find my self running backwards every time)

There's so much oxygen that I forgot to breathe
You're only making things worse, you're only making things worse
(I find my self running backwards every time)

Fuck that I changed my fucking mind
Jesus loves you so I won't have to

Fuck that I changed my fucking mind
Jesus loves you so I won't have to

I hope you sleep softly with this pillow pressed against your face
I hope you sleep softly with this pillow pressed against your face